Have you ever been to the place where you knew you were not as accomplished as you should be in life? Or have you ever been ready to cross over into a new season, but it seems as though you are stuck in the old season and, worst of all, you do not know how to find the way forward?
Winning The Warfare At The Gates is a book for you; whether a business executive, teacher, corporate professional or stay-at-home Mom. In this book, you will learn how invisible forces from the kingdom of darkness called “gates” fight to hinder you from moving forward in life. I will also seek to reveal how these “demonic gates" seek to fight against you to subvert your God-given opportunities and prevent you from manifesting the promises of God.
• Learn the various strategies the enemy uses to keep you demobilized at various times, seasons, and levels in your life.
• Learn how to identify, embrace, and contend for every open door of "divine opportunity!"
• Learn practical strategies on how to employ the weapons of spiritual warfare to defeat every enemy at the gate.
• Learn how intimate worship
I never recieved this book I was sent another book one I already have
Its awesome it helpß me to study more pray more it keeps me on track along with the morning prayer they keep me in tune with God.